What to Expect From Root Canal Treatment

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what to expect from root canal treatment

Root canal treatment or root canal therapy is a dental treatment that has a negative reputation as an extremely painful procedure. However, the truth is that it is no more painful than any other dental procedure performed under local anesthetic. Root canal therapy is a sequence of steps conducted by your dentist in Livonia, which removes the infected pulp of the tooth, thereby ending any pain or the possibility of future infections to the same tooth without, damaging the structure. If you have a tooth infection, receiving a root canal in Livonia is a great way to treat your tooth infection without damaging your tooth.

Root canal treatment not only heals the affected tooth, but it also stops the infection from spreading to the neighboring teeth as well. Moreover, since it does not damage the structure of the tooth, it prevents the degeneration of the jawbone that can happen as a result of extracting a tooth to treat an infection.

What is Root Canal Therapy?

The root canal is a space within the root of the tooth. It consists of a chamber that contains dental pulp that is made of living nerve tissue, blood vessels, and cells. Infection to this dental pulp is often the cause of severe toothaches that arise when a person has a damaged or decayed tooth. During root canal therapy at a dental clinic near you, this infected pulp is removed, which results in the removal of infection and the possibility of that infection spreading to a neighboring tooth.

Root Canal Treatment: The Procedure

The entire procedure for a root canal near you is spread over a period of several weeks and multiple appointments at the dental office. The following is a brief description of the complete treatment procedure:

– Diagnosis

– Preparation

– Making an opening in the crown

– Isolation of the infected tooth

– Removing dental pulp

– Cleaning and disinfecting the pulp chamber

– Filling

– Final restoration

After the initial diagnosis that includes checking palpation, mobility of the tooth, and sometimes radiographs for better diagnosis, your dentist may prepare your teeth for the treatment. They will use a local anesthetic to numb the area and make a small opening through the enamel at the top of the tooth to reach the root. Then they use a rubber dam to isolate the tooth and begin the next step.

The next step is the removal of the dental pulp using special techniques and frequent irrigation to clean the tooth chamber. After the dental pulp is fully removed, the root canal is completely flushed with an irritant to clean and disinfect the area. The irrigation kills any microbes left and also helps dissolve the pulpal tissue. Once the root canal is thoroughly cleaned, it is filled with a natural polymer called gutta-percha.

When it comes to the final restoration for your root canal in Livonia, your dentist will perform a restorative procedure that includes a custom crown for your teeth that fully covers the cusps of the tooth. This is a must for molars and premolars since a natural tooth that has undergone root canal treatment tends to break and fracture over time due to chewing.

Root Canal Post-Treatment Care

You may experience certain discomfort and pain after root canal treatment that can last up to a week. Over-the-counter pain medication can be used to ease the pain until the healing process is over. Try to minimize your chewing until your permanent filling or crown is in place. After receiving root canal treatment, you should maintain strict oral hygiene habits such as brushing twice a day and flossing daily, as well as using a good antiseptic mouth wash.